Personas minor suggestions

Hi Kevin,

Here are a few thoughts on the personas at <>. I didn't think they needed EOWG discussion so I didn't bring them up on Friday. I also realize that you didn't come up with the names, but I'm pretty sure Shadi's OK with you changing them. :-)

* Starting all the names with "J" is cute, but actually will make it less usable, I think. It will be easier to talk about them if the names are more distinct from each other.

* Please make the names more ethnically diverse (although good to keep easily pronounceable to most). (and remember to keep balanced number of males & females)

* If you can put a few-word summary in the heading with persona's name, I think it would help skimming and talking about them. e.g.,
** Joe - small business owner, outsourcing, no web dev knowledge
** Jana - wants to increase awareness in org

* Usual spacing for colons in prose is: "Organization size: Large" (rather than "Organization size : Large") -- but if you like it the extra space for this, I think it's fine. :-)

OK, all for now...


Received on Monday, 16 June 2014 17:59:55 UTC