Re: Complex table

On Wed, Jul 06, 2005 at 07:09:04PM +0800, Budy Harnata wrote:
> Now, how do I make this type of table accessible? Should I put all rows
> into one table or should I break each chunk of rows as separate table?
> How do I put the th element and how does the relationship between th and
> other th elements in different row and between th and td elements?

Well, the first row and the last row don't appear to have any direct
relationship to the other rows. I would probably put them in a
seperate table, or just in prose (they will still be associated with
the rest of the data in so far as they are part of the same document,
or section (XHTML 2.0 <section>, otherwise delimited by headings).

The rest looks simple enough to achieve with a row of <th>s with
colspan (and rowspan on the last), followed by a row of <th>s - all
with scope="col".

David Dorward                            

Received on Wednesday, 6 July 2005 11:26:00 UTC