Re: Copywriting for Screenreaders (was Alt text for URL's)

part of structure is clarity.  Why not just call them what they are.  If I 
were doing a list of links, what would you want them to be?  How about 
navigation, main content, footer, or page footer, top of page... daily dose 
of laughter.  As I said, in a well organized and structured site, this is 
not a problem.  The idea of copywriting "skip..." for screen readers is 
utterly absurd though.

Johnnie Apple Seed
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Patrick Lauke" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2005 11:03 AM
Subject: RE: Copywriting for Screenreaders (was Alt text for URL's)

> david poehlman

> In the liniar approach, we would easily split the page into areas and
> provide the ability for all to see who wanted to see them the
> ability to
> directly access the area of interest

And how would they directly access the area of interest? With something
like an internal link to the relevant area...let's call them "skip links"
(or, if the name doesn't appeal, "'jump to' links" ;-)

Ok, sorry for the flippant reply, but I couldn't resist.

Patrick H. Lauke
Webmaster / University of Salford

Received on Thursday, 17 February 2005 16:12:44 UTC