RE: anchors and Bobby

> [Jon Hanna]
> BTW. There is no need to use the <a> element when you are using
> id, you can put
> the id onto any element in the content.
> [Ricardo]
> Bobby doesn't report errors with "id" in elements, but we have
> the same problem with backwards compatibility. See:

If maintaining backwards compatibility I'd personally prefer to use id on an
element surrounding the section in question, even if name was still used.

<p id="intro">
<a name="intro"></a>introductory paragraph.

To my mind this ties in the use of id as a target with other uses of id (e.g.
CSS or using the URI including the fragment the subject of an RDF statement).

Jon Hanna
*Thought provoking quote goes here*

Received on Thursday, 22 January 2004 05:42:27 UTC