Re: Accessible road maps

On Wed, 2 Jun 2004, Phill Jenkins wrote:

I feel like I have repeated this at least a gazillion times but

> - or -  fix the one or two browsers that don't fully support the HTML 4.01
> spec? For example, would it be more cost efficient for government to fund
> the improvement of Lynx than to mandate all the web applications to revert
> to HTML 2 days?
> I am also surprised at some of the "right's" arguments.  Individuals I
> talk to who have disabilities prefer to have access to what everyone else

how many people with disabilities have you talked to in the third world??

> has access to, including web application using scripting.  Most
> individual's who have disabilities do not want to be ghettoized to use
> some other less capable web application.  Individuals who have
> disabilities NEED the faster client side scripting just like everyone
> else.  They want to come in the front door just like everyone else.

We are dealing with a WORLD WIDE WEB. and I emphisize the WORLD WIDE part.
in many parts of the world people especially people with disabilities have
very limited bandwidth and service and cannot afford to deal with the HUGE
resources required to use the more "modern" browsers.  in at least one
contact (an independent living center) I have in Nicaragua they are still
linked to the web with a Apple II, and an acoustic coupler.  can you even
support scripting at 1200 baud???  (offered em a newer modem but the
telephone lines wouldn't handle it)

THESE people need access to the web maybe even more than we do.

and we must continue to support thier access.



"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve Neither liberty nor safety",    Benjamin Franklin
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Received on Wednesday, 2 June 2004 11:41:15 UTC