Re: RE: opening new windows

> <a href="test.htm" onclick=", 'example', 'height=200, width=400, top=100, left=100, toolbar=no, menubar=yes, location=no, resizable=yes, scrollbars=no, status=no'); return false;">example</a>

I'd expect this not to work in any scripting enabled browser which has
popups disabled as the return false is not conditional on the popup 

I believe that return false for this purpose wasn't in the original
NS JavaScript, although it is probably fairly universal these days.

This may fail on a pure W3C DOM1 implementation, as most of the parameters
are undefined.

One of the problems with such popups under IE is that shellexecute will
use any available browser window, including ones with critical controls

Received on Saturday, 12 July 2003 04:59:32 UTC