Re: Bobby on Linux

Hi Tim

> I can get bobby to run fine, but whatever URL or local file I attempt to
> validate, no report is displayed...

I am running Bobby on Linux; I have only had one minor problem whereby 
the Properties dialogue would open to a size (not re-sizable) too small 
to use; this problem went away on it's own in a mysterious manner...

Are you running the latest JVM?  I am using (with success) Sun's J2SDK 
V1.4.1 on a 2.4.18 Linux kernel.  If you are using a bundled JVM, try 
downloading (if you've got a decent connection - it's big) the latest 
from Sun and try again.

If you want to do any comparison tests, contact me off-list.



Matthew Smith
IT Consultant - KBC, South Australia

Received on Saturday, 1 February 2003 17:12:19 UTC