FWD: Free, Multi-Platform Accessibility Analysis Tools

>===== Original Message From Denise Wood <Denise_Wood@operamail.com> =====
> So does anyone know of any free accessibility analysis tools --
> even something with a limited trial (e.g. 30 days) -- that runs on
> more than one platform?

Hi Kynn

I presume you are only interested in tools that can run locally rather than
online. I know of several online checking tools that are free (including
Bobby)but I gather they are not what you are after.

The requirement to be able to download narrows the field. There are several
downloadable evaluation tools such as accverify and pagescreamer but as far as 
can determine you can't easily download a demo version.

The only other options of which I am aware are InFocus from SSB technologies
(http://www.ssbtechnologies.com/evaluation.php) which is cross-platform and
there is a free evaluation version (though I have not tested this myself) or
Macromedia's accessibility extension for Dreamweaver. Of course the
Dreamweaver accessibility extension option is a pain because students would
also have to download a trial 30 day version of Dreamweaver to use the tool.
Dreamweaver as you know is cross platform and you can evaluate a site
developed in another authoring tool using Dreamweaver with the extension, but
it is a long-winded way of achieving a simple evaluation that was once
possible through Bobby. The url which of which  I am sure you are  well aware

I still have an old version of Bobby on my local drive (including the
installer)that I can send you but I guess the point of the exercise is for
students to locate the site and go through the process of downloading from a
web site themselves?

From David Clark:
> Yeah -- there is the best and only tool out there that is truly accurate and
cross platform -- your brain.

I just saw David Clark's post as well. David I know Kynn goes into detail
about the considerations in reviewing the accessibility of web sites. I am
sure he is not suggesting in any way that automated tools replace "the brain".
However these tools can help highlight obvious problems that are easy to
overlook and can expedite the process of locating repetitive occurences of 
such problems. We all know the liomitations of existing audit tools but as a 
complement to human evaluation these tools probably still have a place.


Dr Denise L Wood
Lecturer: Professional Development (online teaching and learning)
University of South Australia
CE Campus, North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000
Ph:    (61 8) 8302 2172 / (61 8) 8302 4472 (Tuesdays & Thursdays)
Fax:  (61 8) 8302 2363 / (61 8) 8302 4390
Mob: (0413 648 260)

Email:	Denise.Wood@unisa.edu.au
WWW:	http://www.unisanet.unisa.edu.au/staff/homepage.asp?Name=Denise.Wood

Received on Sunday, 13 January 2002 21:17:20 UTC