Re: Fresh start? Re: Minimal Browser Capabilities

On Saturday 29 December 2001 01:47, Jim Ley wrote:
|   > |   I believe it's available on 4 platforms (Win32, Mac,Solaris, and
|   > | PocketPC) but it's also 4 seperate browsers with an entire different
|   > | codebase (unlike NN, or Mozilla) which share only a name.
|   >
|   > IE for PocketPC / Windows CE is, in fact, MS IE 4.0.
|   >
|   >It claims to be IE3 compatible, it's DOM is similar to NN3's (not IE3's)
|   it has things like Accesskey (I've yet to find out if you can access them
|   on iPaq or similar "pen" PDA's, do you have some definitive reason for
|   believing it to be IE4's codebase?

I think Peter-Paul Koch wrote to me about this (IE4 in WinCE).
Peter-Paul, do you have more info what kind of browser is built-in in WinCE?
Discussion about "Minimal Browser Capabilities" is happening on WAI-IG 
mailing list (Web Accessibility Initiative Interest Group), and people in 
particular interested in accessibility options in different browsers.
I invite you to participate in this interesting thread ;-)
[archive is available on W3C server]
|   > Anyway, as Win CE PDA's do not have Ethernet or Radio-Ethernet
|   connectivity
|   > built-in, I doubt they can be counted as a Platform.
|   My PC doesn't have any internet connectivity built-in, indeed, I use the
|   same mobile phone for both PC and PDA access (exclusively palm, I find my
|   iPaq to slow.)  In any case AvantGo or other "Channel" technology whereby
|   you download websites through a local connection to a PC and read
|   disconnected are very popular and still require the content to be
|   accessible.
|   > And I can add to Jim's list another 1.5 platforms.
|   > 1) WebTV - which is also based on MS technologies
|   WebTV as a brand is indeed based on MS code, internet through your TV as
| a concept is certainly not, the UK internet TV access (of which there are
| many million of capable boxes - actual usage I don't know, but UK cable and
| satellite digital boxes have browsers within them (Risc OS "Fresco" browser
| in general I believe.)
|   Jim.


Vadim Plessky  (English)
33 Window Decorations and 6 Widget Styles for KDE
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Received on Saturday, 29 December 2001 04:06:56 UTC