Re: Minimal Browser Capabilities

On Friday 28 December 2001 18:53, David Woolley wrote:
|   > I mean: it's up to browser not to render broken content.
|   > The fact that MS IE and Netscape render broken content doesn't say
|   > anything good in their favour.
|   Rendering broken content is commercially sound.  It avoids people blaming
                                                ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
|   your software for what are really authors' mistakes and it reduces your
|   support costs.  The evolutionary pressure is to cope with at least as

And, by the way, this explains why Netscape6 and Mozilla have so bad 
acceptance  (~0.75% of all browsers, less than 1% - and that 1 year after NS6 
Mozilla sacrificied document.layers DOM (which was present in NN 4.x series), 
and offered no sound replacement.
And while W3C standards' support in Mozilla is very good, product itself is 
not "commercially sound" (I use your words :-)
Just to clarify my position a little bit: I wish success to Mozilla.
But I doubt it can be successfull in its current state.
|   broken content as your competitors.
|   It is also compatible with one of the core internet principles, which is
|   that you must be correct in what you send (authors should produce correct
|   HTML) and tolerant in what you accept (browsers should work with broken
|   HTML).

Hopefully, even MS IE bombs you on broken (not well-formed) XML.
So, the real chance for all of us to come away from "broken content" is to 
accelerate transition to XML (not XHTML, which is *again* intermediary 
solution!) and sacrifice all HTML 4.0, 3.2, etc.
So, I would love to see "XML support" in "Minimal Browser Capabilities", and 
all browsers not supporting XML falling into "non-conforming" category :-))


Vadim Plessky  (English)
33 Window Decorations and 6 Widget Styles for KDE
KDE mini-Themes

Received on Saturday, 29 December 2001 01:45:21 UTC