Re: Fwd from CHI-WEB: Amazon's version for the Visually

it sounds like what you outline below can be done by looking at work
that has already been done.  In designing wcag 1.0, though some mistakes
were made perhaps in hind sight, much of what you include below was
taken into account.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Luebking" <>
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 4:22 PM
Subject: RE: Fwd from CHI-WEB: Amazon's version for the Visually


I think using universal design as a starting point when designing
web pages (and probably many things) is pretty reasonable.  If I
were to jot down the steps in some approximation of the design algorithm
I generally use, they would be something like:

    1.  identify general purpose of web page / site

    2.  identify various types of users

    3.  identify the various characteristics and needs of each type
        of user.  (be careful to differentiate between no characteristic
and a characteristic which is null.)

    4.  for each group of users, identify approaches which can be
        used by users in the group to meet their needs given their
characteristics.  (here's where the creativity in pushing bounds
and coming up with original solutions can come into play)

    5.  review the various solutions to see if they can be applied to
        other groups of users of the web page / site

    6.  review the approaches to see if there are any conflicts

    7.  if there are no conflicts and everyone's needs are met, you're
        free with a universally designed web page / site.

    8.  if there are conflicts or not everyone's needs are met, you may
        have to move away from the trying to design universally (i.e.
outside of universal design).

This is just a rough approximation.


> Hi
>      Well, that's just it.  Early design decisions can turn what is
inherently not a zero sum game into one that is.
> Why not take the principles of universal design into account so that
the zero sum situation does not arise?
> I am not saying categorically that zero sum games never arise, but
that in social systems at least, I think human decisions can influence
whether some system is or is not zero sum or to what degree.  It is not
given, fixed, out of our control.
> Access to fresh water may be a fixed zero sum game, but that's for an
ecology list...
> Steve

Received on Friday, 14 December 2001 16:51:35 UTC