RE: Deleted text & Strike-through

Lynx renders this as

  This is the [del:old text:del][ins:new text:ins].

It's one option equivalent in fact to the CSS rules

 del:before { content: '[del:' }
 del:after  { content: ':del]' }
 ins:before { content: '[ins:' }
 ins:after  { content: ':ins]' }

Another option would be available if screen readers ever implement Audio CSS
properties and a user stylesheet (well, emacspeak does, but it seems others
are not approaching very rapidly), allowing users to define audio styling
rules that are useful to them (tone or volume change, generated content
before and after as above, voice change, etc)

for completeness, the implied CSS rules Jon mentioned:

  del { display:none }

which I have used before on the user side, or

  del { text-decoration: strike }
  ins { text-decoration: underline }

as in the original post. Just in passing, becuase underlines have
traditionally been used in the Web to indicate links, it is not a really good
idea to use them for other things. It is noramlly unnecesary given the range
of styling options, and confuses users. In general I style ins elements with
colour (works for me!) and a text change such as italicise. (Amaya does this
for me by default)



On Mon, 10 Dec 2001, Jon Hanna wrote:

  > 	<p>This is the <del>old text</del> <ins>new text</ins>.</p>
  > The words "old text" would be formatted as strike through, and "new
  > text" would be underlined.
  > (2) Do we have any guidelines on how a screen reader SHOULD
  > identify such text?

  Surely that would depend on why the document was being read. You say
  that <del> text should be struck through, but it would be just as
  sensible not to display it at all if the reader only wanted to read
  the document in its current state.

  Similarly one way a screen reader could validly render such text is
  to ignore it, another would be to insert content so it would be come:

  This is the, used to be; old text, changed to; new text.

  gpg: Warning: using insecure memory!
  gpg: Signature made Mon Dec 10 12:24:43 2001 EST using DSA key ID F532BD18
  gpg: Can't check signature: public key not found

Charles McCathieNevile  phone: +61 409 134 136
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Received on Monday, 10 December 2001 15:38:11 UTC