Re: What does WCAG mean by "a set of Web units"

On Sun, Aug 20, 2006 at 08:56:24AM -0500, John M Slatin wrote:
> Good catch, Jason, thanks. Here's one more tweak to make the point
> unmistakable (I hope...):
> [was]All Web units within the scope of conformance. 
> [new]All Web units within the scope of the conformance claim. 
To which we should add, following Gregg's comment,
"at the same level of conformance".

We may wish to eliminate the reference to a "claim", on the ground that a
claim may never be made. What we mean is, in fact, are all Web units wwithin
the scope of that which is claimed, or hypothesized for purposes of
evaluation, to conform at a given level of conformance.

The qualification regarding individual Web units which are claimed to conform,
The qualification regarding individual Web units subject to separate claims
having to be aggregated for this purpose in so far as they are linked to one
another, applies.

Received on Monday, 21 August 2006 00:24:21 UTC