Re: Re : Influence of valid code on screen readers

On 18 Jun, Luca Mascaro wrote:

> About this thematic, why we don't ask an officially opinion to HTML WG?

  I just wonder what, exactly we should ask them? Whether or not invalid
  code, triggering "let's guess at what the REAL structure should be"
  mode in user-agents, have an impact on accessibility?

  Following the discussion over the last days has left me confused.
  Invalid code - in particular invalid markup - does, to a greater or a
  lesser extent, influence how a user-agent - ANY user-agent - parse and
  "perceive" the structure and semantics[*] of a document.

  That influence clearly impact upon accessibility - to some degree.
  Guessing what is, and isn't, rarely give rise to good handling of

  So what do we ask them?

  This is a classic, real life, example:

    First part of the paragraph goes here.
    Second part of the paragraph goes here.

  Error-correcting the above leaves the information - logically *one*
  piece - split into *two*. By no means a major problem, but still a
  problem; and one which might, given the right circumstances, be an
  accessibility hazard.

 -    Tina Holmboe                    Greytower Technologies      
   [+46] 0708 557 905

Received on Saturday, 18 June 2005 11:41:09 UTC