Re: Another update to the proposal

Hallo John,

Thanks for your work, but reading the coming European Constitution I think
it is better to remove or change  everything that might be in contrary to
the following articles.

Art. II-83:
Arts and scientific research are free. Acedemic freedom is respected.

Title II: Freedoms

Art II-71: Everyone has the right on freedom of expression. This right
contains the freedom to have an opinion and the right to give and to get
information without any intervention of public authorities and without
boundaries .

I am convinced that everything that is about contents of a website, should
not  be testable  in the guidelines. Because any test on the contents by
law/authorities is forbidden in Europe, at least that is my interpretation
of the text of art. II-71.

That does not say it is impossible that people can ask for
information/explanation of the content of a website, but controlling/testing
of contents is not a  task for authories, laws etc. This has  only simply to
do with freedom of expression.

And about poems, prose etc we don't need to talk anymore, they are free of
everything, at least the contents of them.. But the code can always be

I am not aware of such texts in the constitution of the USA. I tried to
google it, but the constitution texts I found did not say anything about
freedom of arts or of scientific research/ acedemic freedom It may be that I
found the wrong ones..

Ineke van der Maat

Received on Wednesday, 1 June 2005 11:40:31 UTC