Re: GL 2.5 Issues Summary and Proposal

Thanks Andi. Overall, these proposals and resolutions look good. A 
couple questions:

> Level 3 Success Criteria for Guideline 2.5
> 2. If there are more than 75 choices, selection lists must not be the only
> means of providing the input choice. Another input method, such as a text
> entry field, text typing to select items from list, or a search function,
> must be provided instead of, or in addition to, the selection list.

I'm not clear on what is mean by "text typing to select items from 
list." Is this referring to UA behavior? Not sure what role an author 
can have in making this behavior available.

> 4. For entry fields where data is expected a certain way, such as a 2 digit
> month followed by a 4 digit year, give examples of correct input or give
> information about the required format.

"expected a certain way" seems awkward. How about:

4. For entry fields where data must meet specific formatting 
requirements, such as a 2 digit month followed by a 4 digit year, 
provide examples of correct input or provide instruction about the 
required format.

Ben Caldwell | <>
Trace Research and Development Center <>

Received on Thursday, 5 May 2005 18:52:22 UTC