List of HTML Techniques not affected by baseline and list of affected

Hi Folks 

I eyeballed down the table of contents for the HTML techniques document to
see if I could quickly identify techniques that would be affected and
unaffected by the change in Baseline policy that gives us 3 baseline levels.
It was a simple (imperfect) exercise to see how much our work may be

(please disregard the bottom of my last email post to the list (that looks
like what I've done below. It was an unfinished start at what I've done

Rough list of HTML Techniques unaffected by baseline.

*	1. <>

*	1.1 The <>
!doctype statement 
*	1.2 The title <>
*	1.3 The <>
address element 
*	1.4

*	2. <>
Navigational Supports 

*	2.1
<>  Meta
*	2.2
<>  Meta
*	2.3 Site <>
*	2.4 <>
Collection information 

*	3. <>

*	3.1 Section <>
*	3.2 <>
Header misuse 

*	4. <>

*	4.1
Identifying the primary language 
*	4.2
Identifying changes in language 

*	5. Text <>

*	5.1 Emphasis <>  
*	5.2 <>
*	5.3 <>
*	5.4 Blink <>  
*	5.5 <>
*	5.6 Short Quotations <>
*	5.7 <>
Long quotations 
*	5.8
>  Misuse of blockquote 
*	5.10
>  Supplemental meaning cues 
*	5.12
ated>  Use non-deprecated presentational markup 
*	5.13
Inline structural elements to identify citations, code fragments, deleted
text, etc. 
*	5.14 Color <>  

*	6. Lists <>  

*	6.1 Ordered lists <>  
*	6.2
<>  Abuse of
list markup 

*	9. Links <>  

*	9.1 <>
Link Text 
*	9.2 <>
Supplement link text with the title attribute 
*	9.3 <>
Text for images used as links 
*	9.10
<>  Anchors
and targets 
*	9.13
<>  The
link element and navigation tools 
*	9.14
The link element and alternative documents 

*	10. Images <>  

*	10.1 <>
Short text alternatives for img elements ("alt-text") 
*	10.2
>  Spacer images 
*	10.3
Misuse of alternative text 
*	10.4
tdescription>  Short text alternatives for object elements (future) 
*	10.5
Non-explicit text alternatives for object 
*	10.11 <>
*	10.12
>  Text in images 
*	10.13
Background images 

Rough list of HTML Techniques affected by baseline

*	5.11 CSS <>
instead of presentational markup 
*	5.15
Relative size 
*	5.9 <>
Use of the title attribute 

*	7. <>
Data Tables 

*	7.1
on>  The caption element (optional) 
*	7.2
ry>  Summarizing data tables (optional) 
*	7.3
Terse substitutes for header labels (optional) 
*	7.4
roup>  Identifying groups of rows (optional) 
*	7.5
roup>  Identifying groups of columns (optional) 
*	7.6
Specifying the set of data cells for which each header cell provides header
*	7.7
rs>  Associating header cells with data cells 
*	7.8
Categorizing data cells 
*	7.9
misuse>  Misuse of the pre element 
*	7.10
<>  Row
and column headings 

*	8.
<>  Tables
for layout 

*	8.1
id>  Layout tables (deprecated) 
*	8.2
Table structure in layout tables 
*	8.3
ummary>  Summaries of layout tables 
*	8.4
_linearize>  Linear reading order of tables 
*	9.4
Image and text links side by side 
*	9.5 <>
Link groups 
*	9.6
ndex>  tabindex to skip link groups (future) 
*	9.7
Skipping link groups 
*	9.8
Hide link groups 
*	9.9
<>  Keyboard
*	9.11
<>  Using
frame targets (deprecated) 
*	9.12
-windows>  Opening new windows 
*	10.6
<>  Long
descriptions of images 
*	10.7
on>  Long description of objects 
*	10.8 D links <>
*	10.9
document>  Describe images without longdesc 
*	10.10 <>
ASCII art 

*	11. <>
Image Maps 

*	11.1
<>  Use
client side image map 
*	11.2
Text links for server side image maps. 
*	11.3
Redundant text links for client side image maps (deprecated) 
*	11.4 <>
Text alternatives for client-side image maps 

*	12.
ects>  Programmatic objects and applets 

*	12.1
Markup and style sheets rather than images: the example of math 
*	12.2
Programmatic object fallbacks 
*	12.3
nt>  Alternative content for programmatic objects 
*	12.4 Text <>
and non-text alternatives for object 
*	12.5
Alternative content for applet 
*	12.6 <>
Alt text for applet 
*	12.7 <>
Alternative content for embed 
*	12.8 <>
Alt text for embed 
*	12.9 <>
Embedding multimedia objects 
*	12.10
Plugin viewers 

*	13. CSS Techniques <>

*	13.1 <>
CSS styling 

*	14. Frames <>  

*	14.1
<>  Frame
*	14.2 <>
Frame name 
*	14.3
Describing frame relationships (deprecated) 
*	14.4 <>
Writing for browsers that do not support FRAME 
*	14.5
<>  Frame
*	14.6 <>
Descriptive links for inaccessible frame source 
*	14.7
Alternative content for iframe 
*	14.8
Longdesc for iframe 

*	15. Forms <>  

*	15.1 Explicit <>
form labels 
*	15.2
Implicit labels for form controls (deprecated) 
*	15.3
<>  Label
form controls with the title attribute 
*	15.4 <>
Grouping form controls 
*	15.5 <>
Grouping options of select elements 
*	15.6
<>  Tab
order in forms 
*	15.7
Text alternatives for submit buttons 
*	15.8
>  Tabular forms 

*	16. Script <>

*	16.1 <>
Text alternatives for scripts 
*	16.2 <>
JavaScript URLs 
*	16.3
Scripted form submission 
*	16.4 <>
Keyboard shortcuts for directly accessible scripts 
*	16.5
Device dependent event handlers 
*	16.6
ers-abstract>  Abstract event handlers 
*	16.7 <>
Auto submit combo boxes 


Received on Wednesday, 13 April 2005 02:51:17 UTC