Re: [3.1][2.4] Informative page titles: suggested solution

Yvette P. Hoitink writes:
 > Suggested phrase:
 > All pages have informative titles
 > The difference is that the current wording says that if you have page
 > titles, they should be informative. The second phrasing says that all pages
 > should have a title and that it should be informative (so it's a tougher
 > requirement to meet). 
 > If we adopt this phrasing, we can delete guideline 2.4, level 3, SC 4 item c
 > (Supplying an informative title for each page or resource that can be
 > accessed independently (for example, from a search results page).
Or perhaps we could write:

"Every page or resource that can be accessed independently has an
informative title".

If we adopted Yvette's wording we would need to make it very clear in
the guidelines that if the concept of a "page" doesn't apply to the
content then this success criterion is not applicable, and hence
passes. In fact, all success criteria which do not apply to the
content are deemed to be satisfied by default, as we have discussed in
relation to conformance.

My arguments against placing any "page title" requirement at level 1
still stand.

Received on Wednesday, 7 July 2004 21:24:04 UTC