Re: /colour/colourblindness.html

There isn't any technical barrier to doing this as far as I can tell, but it
doesn't work with CSS - you waould have to develop a transformation. (You can
also do this for images, although I suspect the coding is a little more
complex except for SVG where it uses CSS for colours anyway....)

I suggest if you think this is a good project you take discussion to the
wai-er-ig group and see where there is interest/expertise.


On Tue, 5 Feb 2002, Charles F. Munat wrote:

  Kynn Bartlett wrote:

  > Unfortunately can't do it just by doing, e.g.:
  > (x) Apply a generic style sheet to a page.
  > You need to have that analysis and mapping and application
  > process.

  Why? Why can't I just map all reds on the page -- for example -- to a
  known color that I can recognize? Granted, the color space is smaller,
  but how many colors are used on a web page typically?

  If I can't see reds, for example, then maybe I can map reds to a
  particular shade of blue and other blues to another shade of blue. Or
  better yet, maybe I could add some sort of text decoration -- an
  overline maybe -- to any text that was red.

  Obviously images would be a problem (another blow to text-in-images),
  but if CSS can override the default colors, why wouldn't this work?

  And as for mapping colors to colors, if I knew which colors were mapped
  to which (and it was consistent across pages), then even if a site said
  something such as "new items are in red," I would know that this
  particular shade of blue corresponded to red, so I'd still be able to
  get around it.

  It might not work 100% of the time, but why wouldn't it work most of the

  Charles F. Munat
  Seattle, Washington

Charles McCathieNevile  phone: +61 409 134 136
W3C Web Accessibility Initiative    fax: +1 617 258 5999
Location: 21 Mitchell street FOOTSCRAY Vic 3011, Australia
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Received on Thursday, 7 February 2002 18:10:11 UTC