Re: /colour/colourblindness.html

Kynn Bartlett wrote:

> Unfortunately can't do it just by doing, e.g.:
> (x) Apply a generic style sheet to a page.
> You need to have that analysis and mapping and application
> process.

Why? Why can't I just map all reds on the page -- for example -- to a 
known color that I can recognize? Granted, the color space is smaller, 
but how many colors are used on a web page typically?

If I can't see reds, for example, then maybe I can map reds to a 
particular shade of blue and other blues to another shade of blue. Or 
better yet, maybe I could add some sort of text decoration -- an 
overline maybe -- to any text that was red.

Obviously images would be a problem (another blow to text-in-images), 
but if CSS can override the default colors, why wouldn't this work?

And as for mapping colors to colors, if I knew which colors were mapped 
to which (and it was consistent across pages), then even if a site said 
something such as "new items are in red," I would know that this 
particular shade of blue corresponded to red, so I'd still be able to 
get around it.

It might not work 100% of the time, but why wouldn't it work most of the 

Charles F. Munat
Seattle, Washington

Received on Tuesday, 5 February 2002 19:37:24 UTC