Re: safety, accessibility and cars

At 7:58 AM +0100 4/24/01, Jonathan Chetwynd wrote:
>A car that someone with (mild to severe) learning difficulties could obtain
>a licence to drive has yet to be designed, but it is probably doable.
>It might need its own traffic lane.

Or even better, it could use some of this smart car technology to
ease the intellectual burden on the user and put it off into a
computer (or computers) installed in the car.

But I guess this is neither here nor there for web accessibility
except as an analogy :), I was just talking with a friend about
smart cars recently.

Kynn Bartlett <>
Technical Developer Liaison
Reef North America
Tel +1 949-567-7006

Received on Tuesday, 24 April 2001 10:02:44 UTC