Millenium In Egypt

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Millennium Celebrations In Egypt

Get all the Facts 

Today, there is still room at the millennium celebrations in Egypt…
Tomorrow, it may be too late.

Egyptian Connection is first to announce complete & accurate travel packages for
New Year's 1999/2000

It's no surprise that Egypt is the number one choice of travelers who are planning millennium celebrations. 
	Where else in the world can you find fascinating cities with the amenities sophisticated travelers expect, plus ancient temples and monuments so exquisite they have been the symbols mankind has dreamt of for more than four millennia.

	Before any other destination, Egypt has been at the forefront of people's plans for welcoming the new millennium. As early as 1984, the Great Pyramids in Giza were identified as the cornerstone site of a World Millennium Celebration. With the interest of international associations such as the Millennium Society, it was feared that individual travelers wouldn't be able to find accommodations in Cairo or other historic Egyptian cities. Everyone wondered, would all the hotels and all the Nile cruise ships be full?

As of today, the answer is favorable! Hotels and cruise ships in Egypt have just announced their rates for the millennium period. Gala celebrations are planned throughout Egypt's magnificent sites, such as the Great Pyramids and Queen Hatshepsut's Temple. 

But you must act swiftly.  
Space is limited, and it won't last long.
	For 12 successful years, our knowledgeable Egyptian Connection representatives have been helping travelers make the most of their travels in Egypt. Now we are pleased to be the first to make this information available to you.

And act now to avoid disappointment.
Or Call your Travel Agent 
We can guarantee space to you only while space in these facilities last.

Received on Wednesday, 20 January 1999 18:32:23 UTC