Re: PRI - 9 LANG Attribute

In anticipation of user agent support for the LANG attribute, in
recognition of the language-dependent nature of text to speech and braille
conversion processes, and taking into account the difficulties raised by
multilingual documents, I propose that no change be made to the priority
of this checkpoint.

If it were only a priority 3 requirement today, then it would be rarely
implemented, even in multilingual documents. Then, when user agents start
supporting the LANG attribute, it will not be of benefit due to the
absence of this important linguistic distinction in marked up documents.
Therefore, a priority 2 rating should be retained in respect of
multilingual material. Also, this requirement needs to be considered in
relation to the WAI user agent guidelines, which ought to recommend
implementation of the LANG attribute by user agents and assistive

Received on Monday, 26 April 1999 19:25:27 UTC