EARL 1.0 Test Schema

I realised that I don't want to start churning out examples and
documentation until I had put out a new schema, so here's a strawman. Note
that it is *not* finished. Changes:-

* Did all the versioning changes etc.
* Will add in "inferences" later on
* Added machine assertor and person assertor classes, and basically cleaned
up the whole Assertor mess
* earl:email is now unambiguous
* earl:ccppSetting is now just a strawman property
* Added (earl:WebContent earl:Tool earl:UserAgent) a daml:Disjoint . to
clean it up a bit
* Now has earl:date a daml:UnambiguousProperty . earl:version a
daml:UnambiguousProperty .
* Bug: [ daml:onProperty earl:uniqueMarker; daml:minCardinality "1" ] Not
sure how to resolve it!
* earl:testSubject is no longer a daml:UniqueProperty (easy solution, will
it work?)
* Kept earl:sameSubjectAs, but I don't plan to
* Got rid of earl:lastModified and earl:released
* Got rid of confidence levels, for now (belong off of the Assertion
* Added earl:ValidityProperty daml:oneOf (earl:passes earl:fails
earl:notApplicableTo earl:notTestedAgainst earl:cannotTell) .
* Changed testMode domain constraint: earl:testMode rdfs:domain
earl:Assertion - as it should be
* Got rid of earl:testId and earl:suiteId, from Al's comments
* Resolved to use DanBri's/TimBL's WOT stuff for DigSig
* Resolved to care as little as possible about TPDL for now

I am working very carefully to ensure that the ATR output is affected as
little as possible.


Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <http://webns.net/roughterms/> .
:Sean :hasHomepage <http://purl.org/net/sbp/> .

Received on Sunday, 21 October 2001 19:07:33 UTC