Re: Section 3 addendum

On Thu, 11 Mar 1999, William Loughborough wrote:

  CMcCN: "Are you proposing this addendum as part of such an introduction"	
  WL:: I was at first proposing it as either that or as a checkpoint but
  since I've looked in vain for strong language in UAGL regarding this
  matter I'm leaning towards the latter.
  Alan Cantor replied to my IG post that true mouselessness is pretty much
  an unrealized dream, a point he deals with at:
  We can still ask and since I find it a high priority for both blind or
  quadraplegic or other folks who can't mouse...
  CMcCN: "I would add to mouseless operation the requirement to implement
  appropriate interfaces for assistive technologies, and the requirement
  to implement software in accordance with Operating System conventions."
  WL:: OTOH I think these are well covered in referenced documents

CMN: Certainly. I was imagining a (longish) sentence in the introduction
which touched on all these points, and referred to other documents.

Charles McCN

Received on Thursday, 11 March 1999 12:53:28 UTC