Re: ontology localization (into spanish)

Dear Phil,

I have had a look at some of the e-mails in the w3c-translators mailing 
list and also at what you wrote in [3].
Would you suggest that we translate the content of rdfs:label and 
rdfs:comment descriptions in the schema.
As I can see, this is what has also been translated for other languages, 

Thanks again!

El 18/02/2014 13:42, Phil Archer escribió:
> Thanks very much Elena, this is very welcome news.
> In replying to you, I'm including the w3c-translators mailing list [1] 
> which is where we record intentions to translate. For example, I'm 
> pleased to see that work is under way to translate it into PT-BR too.
> Please be aware that as well as the specification document there is 
> also the schema [2]. In theory everything is aligned so that the text 
> is the same. In practice, this isn't always quite true :-( [3]
> Thanks again
> Phil.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3] 
> On 18/02/2014 11:22, Elena Montiel Ponsoda wrote:
>> Dear Phil,
>> my name is Elena Montiel and together with Guadalupe Aguado I will be in
>> charge of the translation of the ORG ontology into Spanish.
>> We both have a backgroung on Translation and have been working on
>> Computational LInguistics (Ontology Localization among other topics) as
>> members of the Ontology Engineering Group leaded by Asun for many years
>> now.
>> We will keep you updated of our progress!
>> Regards,
>> Elena
>> El 17/02/2014 21:37, Asunción Gómez Pérez escribió:
>>> Hi Phil
>>> I will contact Martin just to know if some one is localizing ORG.
>>>  Our experience recommends to introduce localization once the model is
>>> created.
>>> Yes, please set up a doodle for next week.
>>> KInd regards
>>> Asun
>>> El 17/02/2014 9:33, Phil Archer escribió:
>>>> Morning all,
>>>> I'm not aware of anyone else working actively on localising ORG but I
>>>> don't know everything ;-) In other words, there may be, but I'm not
>>>> aware of it. Are you in touch with Martin Alvarez? He's the most
>>>> likely to have done something on this but I'm not sure.
>>>> As for localising all our vocabs - yes, let's have a call about that.
>>>> I'd like to include my colleagues Sandro Hawke and Ivan Herman in
>>>> that conversation. Shall I set up a Doodle poll for a call next week?
>>>> My questions, that I hope to find answers for in Athens, are: how
>>>> useful is this effort? What do we need to do to maximise the
>>>> usefulness? How can we introduce localisation earlier in the process
>>>> to avoid ambiguities that only become apparent when someone tries to
>>>> translate terms.
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Phil.
>>>> On 16/02/2014 22:21, Asunción Gómez Pérez wrote:
>>>>> DEar Phil
>>>>> thanks for the title of the talk and for the link to the post :-)
>>>>> As you know, Elena Montiel <> and Guadalupe Aguado
>>>>> <> are working on ontology localization for a long
>>>>> time in
>>>>> our group.
>>>>> They participate on the Ontolex group and they have already localized
>>>>> some ontologies for IFLA and W3C.
>>>>> Last week we started to reuse the ORG ontology and we discovered
>>>>> that it
>>>>> is not in Spanish. In the following days they are starting the *ORG
>>>>> localization process in spanish*. Could you please confirm that 
>>>>> nobody
>>>>> is doing that translation?
>>>>>   I would like to talk with you about*localizing all W3C ontologies
>>>>> into
>>>>> Spanish by the Ontology Engineering Group. *
>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>> ASun
>>>>> El 16/02/2014 21:27, Phil Archer escribió:
>>>>>> Hi Asun,
>>>>>> I'm sorry to have been so slow in thinking about this. I'd like to
>>>>>> talk about the efforts we've made recently to make some of our
>>>>>> vocabularies available with multilingual labels. I blogged about 
>>>>>> this
>>>>>> yesterday ( and can say more in Athens.
>>>>>> I've posted a place holder for my slides at
>>>>>> from which you'll see
>>>>>> I've suggested a title of Demanding Multilingual Schemata which 
>>>>>> may or
>>>>>> may not make the double meaning of 'demanding' obvious.
>>>>>> I'll communicate separately over the logistics.
>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>> Phil.
>>>>>> On 14/02/2014 10:48, Asunción Gómez Pérez wrote:
>>>>>>> DEar Nicoletta, Hans, Phill
>>>>>>> We are on the process of finishing the agenda for the LInked 
>>>>>>> Data for
>>>>>>> Language technologies Roadmapping WS.
>>>>>>> I would appreciate if you could send to me  title  of your
>>>>>>> presentation
>>>>>>> in order to update the website.
>>>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>>>> Asun
>>>>>>> El 09/02/2014 10:24, Asunción Gómez Pérez escribió:
>>>>>>>> DEar Nicoletta, Hans, Phil
>>>>>>>> Thanks for supporting the LD4TLT Group Kick-Off and Roadmap
>>>>>>>> meeting on
>>>>>>>> linked data and content analytics in Athens with your invited 
>>>>>>>> talk.
>>>>>>>> We are in the process of generating the agenda and I would
>>>>>>>> appreciate
>>>>>>>> if you could *send me the following information about your talk*:
>>>>>>>>   * title of your presentation
>>>>>>>>   * Afiliation
>>>>>>>>   * Web page
>>>>>>>>   * A paragraph describing the presentation itself.
>>>>>>>> As I mentioned in the previous mail, the goal of this workshop 
>>>>>>>> is to
>>>>>>>> gather use cases and requirements as a basis to develop a
>>>>>>>> European R&D
>>>>>>>> roadmap and agenda for content analytics solutions based on Linked
>>>>>>>> Data.
>>>>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>>>>> Asun
>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>>> [2]
>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>> Prof. Asunción Gómez-Pérez
>>>>>>>> Catedrática de Universidad
>>>>>>>> Director of the Ontology Engineering Group
>>>>>>>> Facultad de Informática owl:sameAs Escuela Técnica Superior de
>>>>>>>> Ingenieros Informáticos
>>>>>>>> Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
>>>>>>>> Campus de Montegancedo, sn
>>>>>>>> Boadilla del Monte, 28660, Spain
>>>>>>>> Home
>>>>>>>> Phone: (34-91) 336-7417
>>>>>>>> Fax: (34-91) 352-4819

Elena Montiel-Ponsoda
Ontology Engineering Group (OEG)
Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos
Campus de Montegancedo s/n
Boadilla del Monte-28660 Madrid, España
Tel. (+34) 91 336 36 70
Fax  (+34) 91 352 48 19

Received on Tuesday, 18 February 2014 14:21:47 UTC