French Translation for CSS1


This is to inform you that I have performed a translation of W3C CSS1
Recommendation into French.

It is visible online at:

For convenience, as the document by itself is quite heavy (228kb), there
is also a zipped package at:

Short story:
I have started the translation after reading so many times articles in
french newsgroups where people would ask for help about common CSS

Most would neither be comfortable with english or technically savvy, so
reading such documentation would be at least a tedious experience.

I was about to finish the job when I only dared to look at W3Cs' pages
on copyright and translation procedure issues. I must not have followed
the right way :-(

Nevertheless, I did my best regarding the copyright issues and other
requirements (and the translation too :-)

Translation note:

The whole Recommendation has been translated, except Appendix F. This
section is about the errors and typos which were corrected for the 1999
Revision. Since no french translation for the 1996 version had ever been
done, it seemed difficult to refer to something that never existed!

Also, the meaning of some english words or expressions wouldn't have the
right french equivalent. So, I have appended these english terms to
their french counterpart, like:
"traduction [ndt. translation]".
I am not sure that it is considered an annotation though.

Hoping for the green light,


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Received on Sunday, 22 July 2001 21:46:46 UTC