Re: KISS (was: Parameter entity references in WF docs)

[Martin Bryan, quoting Len Bullard:]

| >  Given choices of things that I as an SGML 
| >designer have to give up to get freedom of markup back on the 
| >Web, I'm willing to let PEs go in the first pass.
| And I'm willing to abandon XML if it does not let me validatable
| maintainable  DTDs within at least a year.

XML is optimized for use as a delivery format for structured data from
databases, not as a database format per se.  If you need the features
of full SGML, then you should use full SGML.

This discussion has pretty well persuaded me that we should leave
parameter entities out of XML 1.0.  Entities should not be multiplied


Received on Wednesday, 4 June 1997 02:30:21 UTC