RE: xmlsch-02 whitespace facet discussion

> I think we could go in either of two directions:
> A: accept the comment
> "worried that it may not be
>     obvious that the whitespace processing is not part of the process of
>     checking lexical forms for type validity," and add test cases to
> demonstrate that whitespace is significant even inside typed literals of
> types which in a XML Schema context would get processed away (such as the
> integer examples)

PROPOSE RDF Core accepts the comment xmlsch-02 and agree to add the
following test case:

<rdf:Description rdf:about="">
   <eg:prop rdf:datatype="&xsd;int">3</eg:prop>

Does not entail

<rdf:Description rdf:about="">
   <eg:prop rdf:datatype="&xsd;int"> 3 </eg:prop>

Moreover the following comment to be added to concepts:

NOTE: In [XML Schema (part 1)], white space normalization occurs
during validation according to the value of the whiteSpace
facet. The lexical-to-value mapping used in RDF datatyping
occurs after this, so that the whiteSpace facet has no
effect in RDF datatyping.

Received on Friday, 9 May 2003 06:23:20 UTC