Re: clarify "inline literals"

Just the opposite, I think it is essential we continue to have non-typed
inline literals that are "interpreted" at the application level. I.e.
applications that currently use bare literals should continue to work as
expected and not require re-writing.

- steve

Stephen Petschulat

                      Brian McBride                                                                                                    
                      <bwm@hplb.hpl.hp.        To:       Stephen Petschulat/CanWest/IBM@IBMCA                                          
                      com>                     cc:       RDF Core <>                                              
                                               Subject:  clarify "inline literals"                                                     
                      09/28/2002 08:24                                                                                                 


On Friday's telecon, you stated as a requirement:

   [["Inline" literals are required, don't care about model theory]]

What exactly did you mean here.  I thought at the time you meant that we
get rid of non typed literals, but maybe you meant something else.


Received on Monday, 30 September 2002 11:22:32 UTC