Re: RDFS editors working copy, help needed etc


> (3) content for the updated namespace document.
> We need definitions for the rdfs:comment and rdfs:label for each of
> rdfs:Datatype, rdf:List, rdf:first, rdf:rest, rdf:nil. I'll put these in
> the RDF Schema namespace which is also a part of this doc bundle.
> If folk are OK with the text in the prose doc, I'll just use that. I have
> to admit to not having paid enough attention to the rdf:List stuff
> so extra eyes on that would be appreciated.

indeed, it would be good to add

rdfs:Datatype a rdfs:Class .
rdf:List a rdfs:Class .
rdf:XMLLiteral a rdfs:Datatype; rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Literal .

rdf:first rdfs:domain rdf:List .
rdf:nil a rdf:List .
rdf:rest rdfs:domain rdf:List; rdfs:range rdf:List .

and to check/synchronize the whole with the MT

-- ,
Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Saturday, 9 November 2002 08:08:13 UTC