RE: Datatyping Summary V4

> Issue B10: Say what you mean
> ============================
> status: ?
> The concern here is that in TDL, a literal denotes a pair consisting of a
> value and a lexical representation of that value.  The problem is
> then that
> the german representation of floating point number, e.g. "10,5" is
> different from the english representation, e.g. "10.5".
> Thus under TDL a german 10 and a half is a different thing from
> an english
> 10 and a half.
> More formally, under TDL:
>    <foo>      <eg:size>   _:s1 .
>    _:s1       <rdf:value> "10,5" .
>    _:s1       <rdf:type>  <xsd:double-de> .
>    <bar>      <eg:size>   _:s2 .
>    _:s2       <rdf:value> "10.5" .
>    _:s2       <rdf:type>  <xsd:double> .
> does not entail:
>    <foo> <eg:size> _:s .
>    <bar> <eg:size> _:s .
> Does anyone dispute the facts, or that this is a significant issue?

I agree that this is significant.
I agree with your example.
I point out that this also happens like that in S-P, and that a similar
example can be constructed in S-B e.g.

<foo> <eg:size-en> "10.500".

<bar> <eg:size-de> "10,500".
<eg:size-en> <rdfs:range> <xsd:double-en.lex>.
<eg:size-de> <rdfs:range> <xsd:double-de.lex>.


Received on Monday, 4 February 2002 08:23:13 UTC