semantics doc updated

The publishable version is now at

This passes the W3C XHTML and CSS validators, and has a whole lot of 
links added to it. There is still one thing to do, which is to 
re-draw figure 2, I'll do that tomorrow after the telecon, OK? .

Note the final _1.  Ive left the previous version (of 2 days ago)  at 
the older url in case anyone still wants to check the altered text, 
which is highlighted in that version. (Or you could just go into the 
header and switch newstuff back on.) There are a few tiny rewordings 
in the above version, nothing super-editorial.


PS. The internal glossary links are colored dark brownish, which 
seems to my eye to be less intrusive that the surrounding in-line 
dots that the XML Schema editors used. But if this violates any W3C 
received practices, it wouldn't be hard to change it.

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Received on Thursday, 12 December 2002 22:07:14 UTC