Re: 2001-09-07#5 Literals (use cases/test inputs, please?)

Dan Connolly wrote:

> Jeremy Carroll wrote:
> [...]
>>While that isn't perfect, I believe xml:lang is used by RDF users and there
>>is no critical problem with it.
> Would you please elaborate on that? i.e. please give an
> example (or several examples) of how RDF users use xml:lang,
> and what software they use to process it according to
> their expecatations?

RDF Schema uses it.  I don't recall any negative feedback about that.

Eric has an outstanding action to write up his use case.

> All of my attempts to deal with xml:lang have run into critical
> problems.
> For example, I tried to do a visualization of the RDF schema
> for RDF, using cwm, and I couldn't find a way to get it
> to filter the french labels from the english labels... because
> the xml:lang information isn't in triple form.

Can you please list the other critical problems you refer to.  It would be good 
to capture those too.


Received on Saturday, 20 October 2001 05:36:57 UTC