Re: Issue #rdf-ns-prefix-confusion

Replying to myself, I missed a quote reference, when I said in my
previous mail:

>Your quote refers to a different thing that Dan Connolly asked for -
>changing MUST to MAY in item 3 and in the minutes of the meeting we
>were both at, it was recorded I agreed to do this:
>DaveB reflects Dan C.'s comments about using the term "must" and
>suggests changes to "may" in describing solutions to this problem.

I was actually referring to Dan's request in

about clarity for MUST/MAY about namespace prefixes, which is not for
item 3 specifically but about deprecation in general and I took on
the general consensus to deprecate now (MAY) and forbid later (MUST).


Received on Wednesday, 23 May 2001 12:47:23 UTC