- From: Aaron Swartz <aswartz@upclink.com>
- Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2001 11:23:14 -0500
- To: RDF Core <w3c-rdfcore-wg@w3.org>
RDFCore WG 2001-08-24 Teleconference Minutes Transcript: http://ilrt.org/discovery/chatlogs/rdfcore/2001-08-24 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2001Aug/0144 ----- Roll call: Participants: - Dan Brickley - Dave Beckett - Jeremy Carroll - Jan Grant - Martyn Horner - Jos De Roo - Ora Lassila - Brian McBride (chair) - Eric Miller - Frank Manola - Stephen Petschulat - Aaron Swartz (scribe) - Mike Dean - Pat Hayes (part time) Regrets: - Art Barstow - Dan Connolly - Bill dehOra - Graham Klyne Absent: - Frank Boumphrey - Ron Daniels - Rael Dornfest - Yoshiyuki Kitahara - Michael Kopchenov - KWON, Hyung-Jin - Satoshi Nakamura - Pierre G. Richard - Sergey Melnik - Guha ----- REVIEW MINUTES OF MEETING on 14th August 2001 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2001Aug/0141.html These minutes were approved, with the correction that Jeremy Carroll was present at the meeting. CONFIRM FOLLOWING ACTIONS COMPLETED The following actions were all completed: ACTION 2001-08-01#2 Brickley - Get Model Theory Introduction Slides online http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/RDFCore/20010801-f2f/mt/ ACTION 2001-08-02#10 Jan Grant Write up a fix/workaround for folks using the currently defined semantics for domain and range constraints. http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2001Aug/0111.html ACTION 2001-08-02#22 Hyung-Jin Kwon Make his presentation available on the web and circulate URL to the list. http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2001Aug/0143.html ACTION 2001-08-17#6 Dave Beckett Write strawman WD on Experimental RDF XML Syntax http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2001Aug/0130.html ACTION 2001-08-17#8 Art Barstow Write strawman WD on test cases ( including n-triples). http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2001Aug/0118.html ---- REVIEW STATUS OF FOLLOWING ACTIONS (15 min) ACTION: 2001-07-06#2 (danbri) - write test cases for the RDF schema issues that are impacted by literals-as-resources. CONTINUED ACTION 2000-07-20#10 - Bill - create xml:lang use cases CONTINUED ACTION 2001-07-27#1 - EricM - For 2001-07-20 minutes re character-encoding issue, to write up his correction and send to list CONTINUED ACTION 2001-07-27#2 - Bill - For 2001-07-20 minutes, Bill to send mail clarifying his action to review M+S w.r.t. what it says about literals. CONTINUED ACTION 2001-08-01#3 Pat Hayes Include example in model theory slides DONE ACTION 2001-08-02#7 Dave Beckett With help from Art and Jan, investigate how to represent RDF/XML grammar and the specification of the transformation of RDF/XML to a graph representation. CONTINUED ACTION 2001-08-02#12 Jan Grant Post message to list about how EASEL uses datatypes CONTINUED ACTION 2001-08-02#14 Ora Lassila Talk to Ian and Frank and get background on why they require cycles in rdfs:subClassOf relationship.... and... Pat Hayes Discuss cycles in rdfs:subClassOf and rdfs:subPropertyOf with DAML folks and report back to us. [Plan to discuss at next DAML telecon] CONTINUED ACTION 2001-08-02#15 Sergey Melnik Discuss reification alterantives with Pat Hayes. CONTINUED ACTION 2001-08-02#33 Dan Brickley Form task force with Graham Klyne, Martyn Horner and Jan Grant to investigate the DAML+OIL approach to XML datatypes. POSTPONED UNTIL NEXT SCHEMA WD ACTION 2001-08-02#23 Brian McBride Update schedule to aim for WWW2002 announcement. CONTINUED 2001-08-02#9 2001-08-02#25 2001-08-02#26 2001-08-02#27 2001-08-02#28 2001-08-02#29 2001-08-02#30 2001-08-02#31 2001-08-02#32 2001-08-02#32 2001-08-02#17 2001-08-02#19 Dan Brickley - RDF Schema update actions as described in http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/RDFCore/20010801-f2f/#actions CONTINUED FTF#34 Jan Grant: Describe how subproperties of transitive properties need not be transitive. DONE ACTION 2001-08-17#1 Brian Update to show Mike Dean present for part of meeting. DONE ACTION 2001-08-17#2 Brian Remove decision http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/RDFCore/20010801-f2f/2001-08-02.html#T21-09-50 as no decision was formally made. DONE ACTION 2001-08-17#3 Gather copies of presentations and other materials for the record and add to the web site. DONE ACTION 2001-08-17#4 Jos reported broken links in the minutes. Art noted the link checker at: http://validator.w3.org/checklink The record will be updated and reviewed again at the next teleconference. DONE ACTION 2001-08-17#5 Eric Miller Write a newletter summary of the face to face for ciculation to the W3C members. CONTINUED ACTION 2001-08-17#7 Pat Hayes write strawman WD on model theory with reification and containers removed. CONTINUED ACTION: Martyn to update glosary document and collect feedback. DONE ---- REVIEW MINUTES OF FACE TO FACE MEETING 1-2 AUG 2001 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/RDFCore/20010801-f2f/ These minutes were approved, with the following action: ACTION 2001-08-24#1 Brian McBride: Collect links to photos and place on F2F page. ISSUE #rdfs-transitive-subProperty (10 mins) The issue was closed using Jan's message as an explanation: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2001Aug/0031.html TECHINCAL PLENARY It was agreed that we should ask for a Mon/Tue slot, that we should allow observers, that we should be disjoint with webont. ACTION 2001-08-24#2 Brian: Respond to request a spot at the Technical Plenary. ACTION 2001-08-24#3 Brian: Collect a list of other groups that the WG is interested in meeting with. PROCESS FOR WD PUBLICATION Eric Miller said that he notified the W3C Communications Team that we would be releasing three Working Drafts (model theory, syntax experiments, and test cases) by the end of August. Dave Beckett and Pat Hayes said that they could get their documents finished in a few days. Brian McBride said he'd speak with Art Barstow about the test cases. Dan Brickley said he was aiming for a new draft of RDF Schema in September. There was consensus that the documents we release should be clear, high-quality, and not confusing. Members of the Working Group should review any drafts that are ready next week, for discussion at the next telecon. ACTION 2001-08-24#3 DaveB: Get syntax draft updated. ACTION 2001-08-24#4 DaveB: Collect comments on the draft by email. ACTION 2001-08-24#5 Pat: Get model theory draft draft updated. ACTION 2001-08-24#6 Pat: Collect comments on the draft by email. ACTION 2001-08-24#7 Eric: Help Pat with the document formatting. ---- RDF/XML Syntax - reifying using XML attributes only The Working Group did not come to a decision on this issue. ACTION 2001-08-24#8 DaveB: Write up a proposed resolution for the issue. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Pat Hayes raised the issue that some properties of containers were not clearly specified. ACTION 2001-08-24#9 Pat: Write up a summary of the issues with containers NEXT TELECON AGREED: 10am Boston time, 31st August 2001. CLOSE
Received on Friday, 24 August 2001 12:23:18 UTC