Re: Summary of ETag related issues in RFC2518bis

   And x == GET(PUT(x)) is true for DAV servers which are usable (by  
your client, anyway) as file systems.

   I don't think it's reasonable to require that all DAV servers  
cater to file system clients.  DAV wasn't designed to be an NFS  
replacement, and is, for the most part a pretty suboptimal protocol  
for building network file servers.


On Dec 20, 2005, at 9:14 AM, Jim Luther wrote:

> As the implementer of a WebDAV file system client, the whole idea  
> of x != GET(PUT(x)) makes my head hurt. For file systems to work,  
> they require x == GET(PUT(x)) if there have been no PUTs from other  
> clients between the PUT and the GET.

Received on Tuesday, 20 December 2005 22:21:25 UTC