Re: [Bug 10] Round-tripping namespace decls in properties

Jim Whitehead wrote:
> I'd like to better understand what the perceived implementation issues are.
> One issue we create by preserving namespaces is the potential for 
> inconsistency.
> Consider:
> Request A uses namespace mapping foo="" and sets 
> the value of property foo:prop1 using it.
> Request B uses namespace mapping foo="" and sets the 
> value of property foo:prop2 using it.
> Request C requests properties prop1 and prop2.
> Servers could handle this by using appropriately scoped namespace 
> declarations. It would involve a change in XML handling for some servers 
> that put all namespace declarations at the beginning of the multistatus 
> XML response.

Jim, this is a non-issue. Nobody has asked for preserving namespace 
prefixes for the property element itself.

 > ...

Best regards, Julian

Received on Friday, 9 December 2005 18:38:37 UTC