Re: [Bug 188] PROPFIND include-dead-props

Lisa Dusseault wrote:
>> But if a server implements "bis", it MUST also support lots of other 
>> unrelated features. This is a question of granularity, and optimally, 
>> we won't need "bis" at all because all the things we add can be 
>> discovered individually (such as support for DAV:lockroot, for example).
> This isn't my idea of optimality.  Servers should implement all of 
> RFC2518bis, not cherry-pick bits and pieces.

On the other hand, putting a set of totally unrelated changes into one 
single bag, and hoping that server implementors will be thrilled to 
implement all of this or nothing at all isn't realistic either. In 
particular if this set contains stuff that can't be implemented by some.

Best regards, Julian

Received on Monday, 5 December 2005 00:30:48 UTC