RE: Comments on bind-08

> So, could you please specify exactly which situation you'd 
> like the example to be for? My understanding was:
> - Method: REBIND
> - Locks on: source and target collection
> Correct?

I'd like the example to be the following.

Given the following collection hierarchy, the example should cover a REBIND
of C3:(CollZ->C1) to C3:(CollZ->C2).

| Root Collection  |
|  bindings:       |
|  CollW           |
| Collection C1                 |<--------+
| bindings:                     |         |
| CollX               CollY     |         |
+-------------------------------+         |
    |                  |                  |
    |                  |   (creates loop) |
    |                  |                  |
+-----------------+  +------------------+ |
| Collection C2   |  | Collection C3    | |
| LOCKED infinity |  | LOCKED infinity  | |
| bindings:       |  | bindings:        | |
|  {none}         |  | y.gif     CollZ  | |
+-----------------+  +------------------+ |
                      |            |      |
                      |            +------+
                  | Resource R2               |
                  | (lock inhereited from C3) | 

Note that it's fine with me if we don't discuss exactly how the lock state
in the example came to be -- just take it as a given, and go from there.

- Jim

Received on Thursday, 2 December 2004 18:17:23 UTC