Re: New Requirements Draft

> We can't have a conversation where everyone is using the same word to
> mean different things. I have defined what the term variant means in
> HTTP. If you use the word variant, in a HTTP working group, it is
> expected that you will use it to mean what it means in HTTP. If you are
> referring to a concept other than the one meant by HTTP, please use
> another term.

Wrong use of the word "definition" here. You have not defined variants, you have given a restrictive solution to the variant problem and proclaimed that that is the definition. That is wrong. For example, versioning is not defined the same way in WebDAV either. You don't say "check-out" and "check-in" define versioning, but instead you list a versioning requirement and say that a limited solution to this is provided by the WebDAV standard through the solution "check-out" and "check-in". Similarly, we are asking for the WebDAV group to do the same thing for variants.

We are both talking about exactly the same concepts here:

   A variant is a structurally different, but functionally equivalent 

I can't find the original Tichy definition here, but the spirit is the above.

However, you have given a solution, that many of us don't feel appropriate. What we are asking for is for WebDAV to come up with a broader solution, that does not limit itself.

=== Andre ===

Received on Wednesday, 27 August 1997 16:29:00 UTC