Re: Some thoughts on a new publication approach

On 21/10/2013 18:10 , Marcos Caceres wrote:
> The bit missing here is that we need to treat each step in the
> publication process as a "phase". During certain phases (e.g., LC),
> editors are not allowed to do certain things that would violate the
> PP. This could be controlled by only giving Editors the ability to
> pull from repos - all changes come in the form of Pull Requests and
> must then be checked by the team contact or chair as integrators.
> This stops the "but what if they sneak something in" nonsense that
> requires the snapshot model.

I think that that complicates things more than we actually need. When 
entering LC, you produce a snapshot that is the LC draft and will never 
change, ever. This triggers the LC exclusion period. Then the editor 
keeps editing as she wants to. At the next transition (currently CR, but 
that could change too) we check to see what changes were made. If they 
are only editorial, then the transition can proceed. Otherwise, a new LC 
snapshot needs to be triggered (which I believe pushes the potential Rec 
off by 150 days).

No need for phases or special roles for people, let alone pull requests 
(more of a GitHub concept, though it can be made to work elsewhere).

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Monday, 21 October 2013 19:08:58 UTC