Re: New XML Spec release (translation database)

On Sat, 2003-07-12 at 05:45, Ivan Herman wrote:
> Dan,
> you found the essential one... not also that you can call the CGI script 
> requesting the returned value to be in RDF. It will collect the right 
> information for, eg, a specific document and return the RDF part.
> Actually, nobody used that alternative yet, I am sure there are bugs 
> there. And I am also sure you will tell me if you find any... however: I 
> am on vacations. Ie, I may or may not react immediately!
> See

Is there a mapping of tech-report-URIs to technologies?
Or can I use the actuall URI of the XML REC as
input to this CGI?

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Saturday, 12 July 2003 09:29:17 UTC