Re: OWL URI and namespace, an issue for LOV.

On Jun 17, 2014 11:19 AM, "Bernard Vatant" <>

> Not sure I get your point. I know those documents of course, and BTW
since you mention it has not the bug
(feature) pointed for OWL, since it uses the namespace as the ontology URI,
thus :

Nope- you got my point :-)

Further poking finds that empty same-doc dereferences in rdf resolve to the
whole document (see /#section-baseURIs

And a maze of twisty RFCs and fall-backs.

I believe that both patterns are probably correct.

It is forbidden to treat blah# and blah as being sameAs without an explicit
axiom; i *think* it is an error if ontology is named blah, but is imported
as blah#.

Received on Tuesday, 17 June 2014 16:31:37 UTC