Re: Vocabulary re-use

Martin Hepp (UniBW) wrote:

> Also note that many things may be possible with an existing ontology as 
> it stands, so a novel requirement may just be a request for a recipe.
> This is why I started maintaining a "cookbook" of GoodRelations recipes at:
> All of the following scenarios, and likely many more, require no 
> modifications of the existing ontology specification :-)
>    * Recipe 1: GoodRelations and Yahoo SearchMonkey: How site owners can 
> use GoodRelations for Yahoo! SearchMonkey (status: mature)
>    * Recipe 2: GoodRelations and Google: Proposed patterns, currently 
> under review for compliance by Google (status: mature)
>    * Recipe 3: Minimal Example: Describing your business, stores, and 
> opening hours (status: to be completed)
>    * Recipe 4: Simple Example: Minimal example plus a broad description 
> of what you offer plus payment and deliveryoptions (status: to be 
> completed)
>    * Recipe 5: Comprehensive Example: Describing individual products or 
> services including prices etc. (status: to be completed)
>    * Recipe 6: Comprehensive Example with DBpedia: Same as recipe 5, but 
> using DBpedia URIs for more precision (status: to be completed)
>    * Recipe 7: Comprehensive Example with eClassOWL: Same as recipe 5, 
> but using eClassOWL for more precision (status: to be completed)
>    * Recipe 8: Comprehensive Example with Catalog Groups: Same as recipe 
> 5, but exposing your catalog groups as a taxonomy for more precision 
> (status: to be completed)
>    * Recipe 9: Datasheets / Product model data: Example of sharing 
> product model master data (status: pretty mature)
>    * Recipe 10: Search and Matchmaking: SPARQL queries on GoodRelations 
> data (status: to be completed)
>    * Recipe 11: Publishing GoodRelations Data on the Web: How to make 
> your GoodRelations data known and used (status: mature)
>    * Recipe 12: Converting XML Catalog Data: A round-tripping example of 
> deriving GoodRelations data from a merchant's XML catalog file (status: 
> to be completed)
>    * Recipe 13: Attaching Reviews: Combining GoodRelations with product 
> review data (status: to be completed)
>    * Recipe 14: EAN/UPC Codes: Retrieving product labels for EAN/UPC 
> codes (status: pretty mature)
>    * Recipe 15: Fetching Product Model Master Data: Retrieving product 
> model specifications from the Web (status: pretty mature)
>    * Recipe 16: Example for a Restaurant: Describing a restaurant or 
> café (status: to be completed)
>    * Recipe 17: Example for a Hotel: Describing a hotel (status: to be 
> completed)
>    * Recipe 18: Car Maintenance, Repair, or Service: Describing the 
> offer to repair cars or other goods (status: to be completed)
>    * Recipe 19: Car, Bike, or Boat Rental: Describing the offer to rent 
> out cars or other goods (status: to be completed)
>    * Recipe 20: Providing a Service: Describing the offer to provide a 
> certain service (haircutting, etc.)(status: to be completed)
>    * Recipe 21: Tickets for Concerts: Describing the offer for concert 
> tickets etc. (status: to be completed)
>    * Recipe 22: Wish Lists, Demand, or Tendering Data: Describing your 
> interest in certain offers (status: mature)
>    * Recipe 23: Transportation: Taxi, Airfare, and Train Tickets: 
> Describing the offer for transportation services (status: to be completed)
>    * Recipe 24: Quantity Discounts, Price Ranges, and Pricing Variants: 
> Describing rebates and pricing details(status: to be completed)
>    * Recipe 25: GoodRelations in eBay: Using GoodRelations descriptions 
> in eBay (status: to be completed)
>    * Recipe 26: GoodRelations and Affiliate Marketing: Using affiliate 
> marketing URIs with GoodRelations(status: to be completed)
>    * Recipe 27: Attaching Images and Logos (status: to be completed)
>    * Recipe 28: Attaching Codes: EAN/UPC, ISBN, GTIN, DUNS, GLN/ILN, 
> NAICS, ISIC, etc. (status: to be completed)
>    * Recipe 29: Product Bundles: Describing offers that include multiple 
> items (status: to be completed)
>    * Recipe 30: Product Variants: Modeling variants of products or 
> product models (status: to be completed)
>    * Recipe 31: Consumables, Spare Parts, Substitutes: Modeling 
> relationships between products or product models (status: to be completed)
>    * Recipe 32: Shipping and Payment Charges: Modeling shipment and 
> payment charges(status: to be completed)
>    * Recipe 33: Inventory Levels: Modeling inventory levels / available 
> quantities (status: mature)
>    * Recipe 34: Publishing GoodRelations RDFa from MediaWiki Wikis  
> (status: mature)
> Best
> Martin

Thanks, Martin.  These recipes are excellent.  Honestly, good 
documentation seems to be lacking from many published vocabularies.  In 
addition to usage examples, it might also be helpful to data publishers 
to have instructions on how to extend the vocabulary, e.g. a list of 
easily extendable properties like foaf:knows, where an ontology 
developer can neatly define relationships between agents that are 
specific to their domain.


Aaron Rubinstein
Digital Project Manager
W.E.B. Du Bois - Verizon Digitization Project
Special Collections and University Archives
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Tel: (413)545-9637

Received on Wednesday, 30 September 2009 14:08:29 UTC