Re: Vocabulary re-use

Hi all:

>> I think it's also a good practice to get in touch with ontology
>> creators in case there is no perfect match. These are still the
>> early days and most vocabularies are not set in stone.
> This seems like an important point.  Using new data sets to help push 
> against current vocabularies and strengthen them for a wider variety 
> of use cases will benefit many, perhaps creating a win-win for data 
> publishers by giving them robust, preexisting vocabularies so they can 
> speak in a language application developers might already understand.  
> Of course, there's a limit to how much a specific vocabulary can be 
> stretched to accommodate different data models but in general, this 
> approach could be a service to the Semantic Web.

Also note that many things may be possible with an existing ontology as 
it stands, so a novel requirement may just be a request for a recipe.

This is why I started maintaining a "cookbook" of GoodRelations recipes at:

All of the following scenarios, and likely many more, require no 
modifications of the existing ontology specification :-)

    * Recipe 1: GoodRelations and Yahoo SearchMonkey: How site owners 
can use GoodRelations for Yahoo! SearchMonkey (status: mature)
    * Recipe 2: GoodRelations and Google: Proposed patterns, currently 
under review for compliance by Google (status: mature)
    * Recipe 3: Minimal Example: Describing your business, stores, and 
opening hours (status: to be completed)
    * Recipe 4: Simple Example: Minimal example plus a broad description 
of what you offer plus payment and deliveryoptions (status: to be completed)
    * Recipe 5: Comprehensive Example: Describing individual products or 
services including prices etc. (status: to be completed)
    * Recipe 6: Comprehensive Example with DBpedia: Same as recipe 5, 
but using DBpedia URIs for more precision (status: to be completed)
    * Recipe 7: Comprehensive Example with eClassOWL: Same as recipe 5, 
but using eClassOWL for more precision (status: to be completed)
    * Recipe 8: Comprehensive Example with Catalog Groups: Same as 
recipe 5, but exposing your catalog groups as a taxonomy for more 
precision (status: to be completed)
    * Recipe 9: Datasheets / Product model data: Example of sharing 
product model master data (status: pretty mature)
    * Recipe 10: Search and Matchmaking: SPARQL queries on GoodRelations 
data (status: to be completed)
    * Recipe 11: Publishing GoodRelations Data on the Web: How to make 
your GoodRelations data known and used (status: mature)
    * Recipe 12: Converting XML Catalog Data: A round-tripping example 
of deriving GoodRelations data from a merchant's XML catalog file 
(status: to be completed)
    * Recipe 13: Attaching Reviews: Combining GoodRelations with product 
review data (status: to be completed)
    * Recipe 14: EAN/UPC Codes: Retrieving product labels for EAN/UPC 
codes (status: pretty mature)
    * Recipe 15: Fetching Product Model Master Data: Retrieving product 
model specifications from the Web (status: pretty mature)
    * Recipe 16: Example for a Restaurant: Describing a restaurant or 
café (status: to be completed)
    * Recipe 17: Example for a Hotel: Describing a hotel (status: to be 
    * Recipe 18: Car Maintenance, Repair, or Service: Describing the 
offer to repair cars or other goods (status: to be completed)
    * Recipe 19: Car, Bike, or Boat Rental: Describing the offer to rent 
out cars or other goods (status: to be completed)
    * Recipe 20: Providing a Service: Describing the offer to provide a 
certain service (haircutting, etc.)(status: to be completed)
    * Recipe 21: Tickets for Concerts: Describing the offer for concert 
tickets etc. (status: to be completed)
    * Recipe 22: Wish Lists, Demand, or Tendering Data: Describing your 
interest in certain offers (status: mature)
    * Recipe 23: Transportation: Taxi, Airfare, and Train Tickets: 
Describing the offer for transportation services (status: to be completed)
    * Recipe 24: Quantity Discounts, Price Ranges, and Pricing Variants: 
Describing rebates and pricing details(status: to be completed)
    * Recipe 25: GoodRelations in eBay: Using GoodRelations descriptions 
in eBay (status: to be completed)
    * Recipe 26: GoodRelations and Affiliate Marketing: Using affiliate 
marketing URIs with GoodRelations(status: to be completed)
    * Recipe 27: Attaching Images and Logos (status: to be completed)
    * Recipe 28: Attaching Codes: EAN/UPC, ISBN, GTIN, DUNS, GLN/ILN, 
NAICS, ISIC, etc. (status: to be completed)
    * Recipe 29: Product Bundles: Describing offers that include 
multiple items (status: to be completed)
    * Recipe 30: Product Variants: Modeling variants of products or 
product models (status: to be completed)
    * Recipe 31: Consumables, Spare Parts, Substitutes: Modeling 
relationships between products or product models (status: to be completed)
    * Recipe 32: Shipping and Payment Charges: Modeling shipment and 
payment charges(status: to be completed)
    * Recipe 33: Inventory Levels: Modeling inventory levels / available 
quantities (status: mature)
    * Recipe 34: Publishing GoodRelations RDFa from MediaWiki Wikis  
(status: mature)


> Aaron

martin hepp
e-business & web science research group
universitaet der bundeswehr muenchen

phone:   +49-(0)89-6004-4217
fax:     +49-(0)89-6004-4620
www: (group) (personal)
skype:   mfhepp 
twitter: mfhepp

Check out GoodRelations for E-Commerce on the Web of Linked Data!


Recipe for Yahoo SearchMonkey:

Talk at the Semantic Technology Conference 2009: 
"Semantic Web-based E-Commerce: The GoodRelations Ontology"

Talk at 

Overview article on Semantic Universe:

Project page:

Resources for developers:

Tutorial materials:
CEC'09 2009 Tutorial: The Web of Data for E-Commerce: A Hands-on Introduction to the GoodRelations Ontology, RDFa, and Yahoo! SearchMonkey

Received on Wednesday, 30 September 2009 09:44:22 UTC