Re: change to test suite overview page - request for review and comments

  A couple of typos:

"tests which have not changes since"

"considerably extending there 2002 contributions."

There is information about read-only access to the public repository here:

No idea whether it works!

It perhaps should be emphasized more clearly that you need to download 
the last general-release ZIP file, and then download from CVS on top of 
that to get the changes - it's a rather unorthodox and unfriendly mechanism.

Michael Kay

On 13/10/2010 5:04 PM, C. M. Sperberg-McQueen wrote:
> In an attempt to make the XSD test suite a little easier to acquire
> and use, for people who don't already have it and aren't already
> using it, I've added a section to the test suite overview page at
> with instructions for obtaining a copy of the test suite.  Essentially
> it consists of a paraphrase of Henry Thompson's account of the
> expected usage pattern for the test suite, in his message of 7 June
> to this list:
> Those who understand how things are supposed to work in their
> current configuration are asked to review the new section for
> factual accuracy; those who don't are asked to review it for
> clarity (and optionally to try the process and see if it works for
> them as they would expect it to).
> One question that arises immediately for me, as I try to execute
> the steps:  I'm asked for my SSH passphrase.  That's fine for me,
> because I do have an SSH key on the relevant machine; what must
> users do who wish to check out a read-only copy of the current
> material and update it?  Are they required to get an SSH key and
> have it installed, or is there a different way to invoke CVS so as
> to get the data in the CVS repository without having an SSH key?
> Different, that is, from the command I gave, which was
>     cvs -d \\
>        checkout -d xsts1.1 \\
>        XML/xml-schema-test-suite/2004-01-14/xmlschema2006-11-06
> Thanks,
> Michael Sperberg-McQueen

Received on Wednesday, 13 October 2010 16:27:11 UTC