Re: Source input on p:filter

Innovimax W3C <> writes:

> Well.. I would continue to argue that p:identity is a special case
> because, there is no difference in with respect to processing a
> document or a sequence of document :-)

I'm not asking you to argue one way or another, it's just a discrepancy
that strikes me as odd. Consider this choose:

  <p:when test="p:value-available('filter-expr')">
      <p:with-option name="select" select="$filter-expr"/>
      <p:input port="source" select="/my/default/filter/expr"/>

If the input document is a sequence, it fails if $filter-expr is
defined and succeeds if it isn't. I don't think that's going to seem
obvious to most users.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | There exist some evils so terrible and            | some misfortunes so horrible that we
                              | dare not think of them, whilst their
                              | very aspect makes us shudder; but if
                              | they happen to fall on us, we find
                              | ourselves stronger than we imagined; we
                              | grapple with our ill luck, and behave
                              | better than we expected we should.--La
                              | Bruyère

Received on Saturday, 10 April 2010 18:47:56 UTC