Re: Mutually recursive calling

"Innovimax SARL" <> writes:

>> Section 3.2 says, in part, the "step types visible in a pipeline or
>> library are ... for a pipeline in a library, the types visible in the
>> containing library."
>> From that, I think it follows that if you put both of these steps in a
>> library, then they would be visible to each other. It's not clear if
>> they're visible to each other in a p:pipeline, but I expect they
>> should be.
> I expect too, but could it be clearer in the spec ?

Does this rewrite make things clearer?

   The scope of the names of the step types is the pipeline in which they are
   declared, including any declarations imported from libraries via
   p:import. Nested pipelines inherit the step types in scope for their

   In other words, the step types that are in scope in a p:pipeline or
   p:declare-step are:

     * The standard, built-in types (p:pipeline, p:choose, etc.).

     * Any implementation-provided types.

     * Any step types declared in the pipeline.

     * The types of an p:pipelines or p:declare-steps that are

     * Any types that are in the scope of any p:library that is

     * Any step types that are in scope for the pipeline's parent
       p:pipeline or p:declare-step, if it has one.

     * The type of the pipeline itself, if it has one.

   The step types that are in scope in a p:library are:

     * The standard, built-in types (p:pipeline, p:choose, etc.).

     * Any implementation-provided types.

     * Any step types declared in the library (the p:pipeline and
       p:declare-step children of the p:library element).

     * The types of an p:pipelines or p:declare-steps that are
       imported into the library.

     * Any types that are in the scope of any p:library that is

>> (But don't hold your breath for Calabash support :-(; my current
>> loader is a one-pass process and you can't make this work with a
>> one-pass loader.)
> Too bad :(

Actually, maybe it'll happen sooner than I expected. I'm in the middle
of some major surgery on the way pipelines are evaluated.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | Young men think old men are fools; but            | old men know young men are
                              | fools.--George Chapman

Received on Wednesday, 8 October 2008 16:59:42 UTC