Re: Extension functions

/ Alessandro Vernet <> was heard to say:
| On 5/23/07, Norman Walsh <> wrote:
|> when I can't say
|>    <p:option name="match" value="//foo[@bar = $bar-value]"/>
| This wouldn't bother me at all. With value, you pass a string to the
| component. It happens that this string is evaluated as an XPath
| expression by the component. Why would the component know about
| something called $bar-value?

/me shrugs

Aside from the really nasty quoting issue, I suppose you can always
construct a string value that includes the literal $bar-value so it's
not a complete show-stopper if we remove the variable bindings.

And with a little &amp;apos; hackery, I expect it would be possible to
work around the quoting issue if it ever came up.

I still think it's asking a lot for users to remember when they can
and cannot use $bar-value references in different options on the
same step.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | If today was a fish, I'd throw it back            | in.

Received on Thursday, 24 May 2007 12:43:19 UTC